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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with CROSS

CROSSARMcrossarm n. The horizontal member of a cross-shaped object, such as the horizontal bar of power poles or telephone poles.
CROSSARM n. a horizontal bar.
CROSSBARcrossbar n. Any transverse bar or piece, such as a bar across a door, or the iron bar or stock which passes through…
crossbar n. (Sports) The top of the goal structure.
crossbar n. The top tube of a bicycle frame.
CROSSBITcrossbit v. Simple past tense of crossbite.
cross-bit v. Simple past tense of cross-bite.
CROSSBITE v. to swindle.
CROSSBOWcrossbow n. A mechanised weapon, based on the bow and arrow, that shoots bolts.
crossbow n. A portable ballista that can be held in the hand.
CROSSBOW n. a weapon for shooting bolts, formed of a bow placed crosswise on a stock.
CROSSCUTcrosscut n. A crosswise cut.
crosscut n. A shortcut.
crosscut n. An instance of filmic crosscutting.
CROSSERScrossers n. Plural of crosser.
Crossers prop.n. Plural of Crosser.
CROSSER n. one that crosses.
CROSSESTcrossest adj. Superlative form of cross: most cross.
CROSS adj. ill-tempered.
CROSSINGcrossing n. An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross.
crossing n. A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed.
crossing n. The act by which terrain or a road etc. is crossed.
CROSSISHcrossish adj. Slightly cross or irritable.
CROSSISH adj. somewhat cross.
CROSSLETcrosslet n. (Chiefly heraldry) A small cross with crossed arms.
CROSSLET n. a heraldic symbol.
CROSSPLYcross-ply adj. (Of vehicle tyres) Having a carcass constructed from layers of cords placed diagonally across one other;…
cross-ply n. A tyre having a cross-ply construction.
CROSSPLY adj. of a tyre, having layers of fabric with cords lying crosswise.
CROSSTIEcrosstie n. Alternative form of cross-tie.
cross-tie n. (Rail transport) A sleeper supporting and connecting the rails, and holding them in place.
CROSSTIE n. a supporting tie placed transversely.
CROSSWAYcrossway n. (Archaic) A crossroad.
CROSSWAY n. a road that crosses another road.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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