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There are 14 eight-letter words beginning with COLOR

COLORADOcolorado n. A cigar of medium color and strength.
colorado n. A fish of the species Lutjanus colorado, the Colorado snapper.
Colorado prop.n. A major river of western North America, running from the Rocky Mountains in the United States to the…
COLORANTcolorant n. Alternative spelling of colourant.
COLORANT n. a pigment or dye.
COLOREDScoloreds n. Plural of colored.
COLORED n. a colored person.
COLORERScolorers n. Plural of colorer.
COLORER n. one that colors, also COLOURER.
COLORFULcolorful adj. Possessing prominent and varied colors.
colorful adj. Interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive.
colorful adj. (Euphemistic) Profane, obscene, offensive (usually in the phrase colourful language).
COLORIERCOLORY adj. full of color, also COLOURY.
COLORINGcoloring v. Present participle of color.
coloring n. An act or process which applies color.
coloring n. Any substance used to give color.
COLORISECOLORISE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORIZE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
COLORISMcolorism n. (American spelling) Prejudice or bias against persons on the basis of their skin color or complexion…
colorism n. (Painting) A style of painting characterised by the use of intense color.
COLORISM n. coloring, also COLOURISM.
COLORISTcolorist n. One who colors; an artist with a talent for coloring.
colorist n. A hairdresser who is a specialist in colouring and tinting hair.
COLORIST n. a person skilled in the use of color.
COLORIZEcolorize v. To add color to.
colorize v. (American spelling, photography, cinematography) (Canadian spelling, acceptable) To convert black and…
COLORIZE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORISE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
COLORMANcolorman n. (American spelling) Alternative form of colourman.
color␣man n. A male color commentator (a radio or television announcer who provides analysis, background information…
COLORMAN n. a sportscaster who comments during the game.
COLORMENcolormen n. Plural of colorman.
color␣men n. Plural of color man.
COLORMAN n. a sportscaster who comments during the game.
COLORWAYcolorway n. (Art) Any of the schemes of two or more colors in which a design is available. It is often used to describe…
COLORWAY n. an arrangement of colors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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