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There are 8 seven-letter words beginning with COMPA

COMPACTcompact n. An agreement or contract.
compact v. (Intransitive) To form an agreement or contract.
compact adj. Closely packed, i.e. packing much in a small space.
COMPAGEcompage n. (Obsolete) Compages; consistency, solid structure; the compaction of parts into a whole.
compage n. (Obsolete) A compages; a unified complex whole formed from the compaction of parts.
COMPAGE n. (obsolete) a system or structure of many parts united.
COMPANDcompand v. (Electronics, transitive) To subject to a companding process.
COMPAND v. to put a signal through a compander (a system of clarifying sound).
COMPANYcompany n. A team; a group of people who work together professionally.
company n. A small group of birds or animals.
company n. (Law) An entity having legal personality, and thus able to own property and to sue and be sued in its…
COMPAREcompare v. (Transitive) To assess the similarities and differences between two or more things ["to compare X with…
compare v. (Transitive) To declare two things to be similar in some respect ["to compare X to Y"].
compare v. (Transitive, grammar) To form the three degrees of comparison of (an adjective).
COMPARTcompart v. (Transitive, obsolete) To divide and share with others.
compart v. (Transitive) To divide into smaller parts; to divide into compartments.
compart v. (Transitive) To arrange or lay out according to a plan, with due distribution and disposition of parts.
COMPASScompass n. A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic or true north).
compass n. A pair of compasses (a device used to draw an arc or circle).
compass n. (Music) The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice.
COMPASTcompast v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of compass.
COMPAST adj. (archaic) rounded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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