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There are 11 eleven-letter words beginning with CONSI

CONSIDERATEconsiderate adj. Consciously thoughtful and observant (often of other people and their rights, needs, feelings and comfort).
considerate adj. Characterised by careful and conscious thought.
considerate v. (Rare) Synonym of consider.
CONSIDERERSconsiderers n. Plural of considerer.
CONSIDERER n. one who considers.
CONSIDERINGconsidering v. Present participle of consider.
considering n. Consideration.
considering adv. (Informal) Given the circumstances.
CONSIGLIEREconsigliere n. A counselor or advisor, especially to Mafia bosses.
CONSIGLIERE n. in Italy, a member of a council; a member of a Mafia family who serves as an adviser or aide to the leader or to other members.
CONSIGLIERIconsiglieri n. Plural of consigliere.
CONSIGLIERE n. in Italy, a member of a council; a member of a Mafia family who serves as an adviser or aide to the leader or to other members.
CONSIGNABLEconsignable adj. Capable of being consigned.
CONSIGNABLE adj. that can be consigned.
CONSIGNMENTconsignment n. A collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent.
consignment n. The act of consigning.
consignment n. The sale of one’s own goods (Clothing, furniture, etc.) through a third-party vendor, in exchange for…
CONSILIENCEconsilience n. (Logic) The concurrence of multiple inductions drawn from different data sets.
consilience n. The agreement, co-operation, or overlap of academic disciplines.
CONSILIENCE n. concurrence, coincidence.
CONSIMILITYconsimility n. (Obsolete) common resemblance.
CONSIMILITY n. the state of being consimilar.
CONSISTENCEconsistence n. (Archaic) The physical quality which is given by the degree of firmness, solidity, density, and viscosity;…
consistence n. The staying together, or remaining in close relation, of non-physical things.
consistence n. (Obsolete) Standing still; quiescence; state of rest.
CONSISTENCYconsistency n. Local coherence.
consistency n. Correspondence or compatibility.
consistency n. Reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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