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List of 11-letter words beginning with

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There are 7 eleven-letter words beginning with CATAC

CATACAUSTICcatacaustic n. A caustic curve formed by light reflecting from a curved surface.
catacaustic n. (Mathematics) the envelope of all rays that emanate from a specified point (the radiant point) and reflect…
CATACAUSTIC adj. relating to or denoting a caustic curve or caustic surface formed by reflection.
CATACHRESEScatachreses n. Plural of catachresis.
CATACHRESIS n. the misuse of words.
CATACHRESIScatachresis n. A misuse of a word; an application of a term to something which it does not properly denote.
catachresis n. (Rhetoric) A misapplication or overextension of figurative or analogical description; a wrongly applied…
CATACHRESIS n. the misuse of words.
CATACLASMICCATACLASMIC adj. relating to or of the nature of a cataclasm.
CATACLASTICcataclastic adj. (Petrology) describing a type of metamorphic rock that has undergone shearing and granulation by high…
CATACLASTIC adj. of metamorphism, taking place in an environment where intense pressure.
CATACLYSMALcataclysmal adj. As destructive as a cataclysm.
CATACLYSMAL adj. relating to cataclysm, also CATACLYSMIC.
CATACLYSMICcataclysmic adj. Of or pertaining to a cataclysm; causing great destruction or upheaval; catastrophic.
CATACLYSMIC adj. relating to cataclysm, also CATACLYSMAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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