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There are 13 ten-letter words beginning with COLOR

COLORATIONcoloration n. The act or art of coloring.
coloration n. The quality of being colored.
coloration n. (Music) A notational device for indicating hemiola through either use of red ink (in mensural black…
COLORATURAcoloratura n. (Uncountable) Florid or fancy passages in vocal music.
coloratura n. (Countable) A singer of such passages, especially a soprano.
coloratura adj. Pertaining to coloratura.
COLORATUREcolorature n. (Music) An elaborate melody, particularly in vocal music and especially in operatic singing of the 18th…
COLORATURE n. a highly ornamented, virtuoso (musical passage); a singer, esp. soprano, of such music, also COLORATURA.
COLORBREEDcolorbreed v. To breed (plants or animals) selectively to produce new or desired colors.
COLORBREED v. to breed plants or animals selectively for the production of new varieties having a specific color or shade, also COLOURBREED.
COLORCASTScolorcasts n. Plural of colorcast.
colorcasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of colorcast.
COLORCAST v. to broadcast in colour, also COLOURCAST.
COLORECTALcolorectal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the colorectum.
COLORECTAL adj. relating to the colon and rectum.
COLORFULLYcolorfully adv. In a colorful manner.
COLORFUL adv. full of color, also COLOURFUL.
COLORISINGCOLORISE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORIZE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
COLORISTICcoloristic adj. (Art, music) Of, pertaining to, or focused on coloring or an enhanced use of colour.
COLORISTIC adj. relating to a colorist, one who deals with color.
COLORIZERScolorizers n. Plural of colorizer.
COLORIZINGcolorizing v. Present participle of colorize.
COLORIZE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORISE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
COLORPOINTcolorpoint n. Alternative spelling of colourpoint.
COLORPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLOURPOINT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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