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There are 14 words beginning with CRON

CRONcron n. (Computing) A scheduler or timer that automatically starts a job, program, task.
Cron prop.n. A surname.
CRON n. in computing, a command used to schedule a job that is executed at a certain time, or periodically.
CRONEcrone n. (Archaic) An old woman.
crone n. An archetypal figure, a Wise Woman.
crone n. An ugly, evil-looking, or frightening old woman; a hag.
CRONKcronk v. To honk like a goose.
cronk n. The honking sound of a goose.
cronk adj. (Australia, colloquial, obsolete) Unwell, sick.
CRONSCrons prop.n. Plural of Cron.
CRON n. in computing, a command used to schedule a job that is executed at a certain time, or periodically.
CRONYcrony n. (Informal, originally Cambridge University) A close friend.
crony n. (Informal) A trusted companion or partner in a criminal organization.
crony n. (Obsolete) An old woman; a crone.
CRONEScrones n. Plural of crone.
Crones n. Plural of Crone.
CRONE n. a withered old woman.
CRONETcronet n. The coronet of a horse.
CRONET n. (obsolete) the hair growing over the top of a horse's hoof.
CRONETScronets n. Plural of cronet.
CRONET n. (obsolete) the hair growing over the top of a horse's hoof.
CRONIEScronies n. Plural of crony.
CRONY n. a close friend.
CRONISHCRONISH adj. like a crone.
CRONKERCRONK adj. (Australian colloquial) ill; of poor quality.
CRONKESTCRONK adj. (Australian colloquial) ill; of poor quality.
CRONYISMcronyism n. Favoritism to friends without regard for their qualifications, especially by appointing them to political positions.
CRONYISM n. appointment of friends to posts.
CRONYISMScronyisms n. Plural of cronyism.
CRONYISM n. appointment of friends to posts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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