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There are 13 words beginning with CROA

CROAKcroak n. A faint, harsh sound made in the throat.
croak n. The call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit)
croak n. The harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures.
CROAKEDcroaked v. Simple past tense and past participle of croak.
CROAK v. to utter a low hoarse sound.
CROAKERcroaker n. One who croaks.
croaker n. (Dated) A vocal pessimist, grumbler, or doomsayer.
croaker n. (Colloquial) A frog.
CROAKERScroakers n. Plural of croaker.
CROAKER n. a person or animal that croaks; specifically any fish of the family Sciaenidae.
CROAKIERcroakier adj. Comparative form of croaky: more croaky.
CROAKY adj. low and hoarse.
CROAKIESTcroakiest adj. Superlative form of croaky: most croaky.
CROAKY adj. low and hoarse.
CROAKILYcroakily adv. In a croaky manner.
CROAKY adv. low and hoarse.
CROAKINESScroakiness n. The quality of being croaky.
CROAKINESS n. the state of being croaky.
CROAKINESSESCROAKINESS n. the state of being croaky.
CROAKINGcroaking v. Present participle of croak.
croaking n. The sound of something that croaks.
CROAKING n. a low, hoarse sound.
CROAKINGScroakings n. Plural of croaking.
CROAKING n. a low, hoarse sound.
CROAKScroaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of croak.
croaks n. Plural of croak.
Croaks prop.n. Plural of Croak.
CROAKYcroaky adj. (Of a sound) Like that of a frog.
CROAKY adj. low and hoarse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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