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There are 16 words beginning with CONA

CONACREconacre n. (Ireland) An agricultural system of letting land in small patches or strips, usually for tillage.
conacre n. (Ireland) A strip of land that is let under this system.
conacre v. (Ireland) To underlet a proportion of, for a single crop; said of a farm.
CONARIACONARIUM n. (Greek) the pineal gland.
CONATUSconatus n. An effort, an endeavour, a striving.
conatus n. A force or impulse; a nisus.
CONATUS n. (Latin) a natural impulse or tendency.
CONACREDconacred v. Simple past tense and past participle of conacre.
CONACRE v. of a tenant, to let small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CORNACRE.
CONACRESconacres n. Plural of conacre.
CONACRE v. of a tenant, to let small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CORNACRE.
CONARIALconarial adj. Relating to the conarium; pineal.
CONARIAL adj. relating to the pineal gland.
CONARIUMconarium n. (Anatomy) The pineal gland.
CONARIUM n. (Greek) the pineal gland.
CONATIONconation n. (Philosophy) The power or act which directs or impels to effort of any kind, whether muscular or psychical.
CONATION n. the inclination to act purposefully.
CONATIVEconative adj. Of or pertaining to a striving action.
CONATIVE adj. inclined to conation.
CONACRINGconacring v. Present participle of conacre.
CONACRE v. of a tenant, to let small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CORNACRE.
CONATIONSconations n. Plural of conation.
CONATION n. the inclination to act purposefully.
CONACREISMconacreism n. An agricultural system used in Ireland, in which land is let for a season in small patches or strips…
CONACREISM n. the system of conacre, subletting a portion of a farm, for a single crop.
CONALBUMINconalbumin n. (Biology) One of the two major types of albumin found in egg white (the other being ovalbumin), which…
CONATIONALconational adj. Of, or pertaining to conation.
CONATIONAL adj. relating to conation, mental effort towards a goal.
CONACREISMSCONACREISM n. the system of conacre, subletting a portion of a farm, for a single crop.
CONALBUMINSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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