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There are 19 words beginning with COAR

COARBcoarb n. (Historical) The successor to the founder of a religious institution.
coarb n. (Historical) The head of one of the families composing an old Irish sept.
COARB n. (historical) the head of a family in an Irish sept; an ecclesiastical successor, also COMARB.
COARBScoarbs n. Plural of coarb.
COARB n. (historical) the head of a family in an Irish sept; an ecclesiastical successor, also COMARB.
COARCTATEcoarctate adj. (Medicine) Pressed close together, constricted, narrowed, compressed.
coarctate adj. (Entomology) (of the pupa of certain flies) Enclosed in a rigid case formed by the larval cuticle or puparium.
coarctate v. (Obsolete) To press together; to crowd.
COARCTATEDcoarctated v. Simple past tense and past participle of coarctate.
COARCTATE v. to press together; to crowd.
COARCTATEScoarctates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coarctate.
COARCTATE v. to press together; to crowd.
COARCTATINGcoarctating v. Present participle of coarctate.
COARCTATE v. to press together; to crowd.
COARCTATIONcoarctation n. (Pathology) A congenital stricture or narrowing of a short section of the aorta.
coarctation n. (Obsolete) A confinement to a narrow space.
coarctation n. (Obsolete) A pressure; that which presses.
COARCTATIONScoarctations n. Plural of coarctation.
COARCTATION n. the action of compressing tightly; the state of being tightly compressed.
COARSEcoarse adj. With a rough texture; not smooth.
coarse adj. Composed of large particles.
coarse adj. Lacking refinement, taste or delicacy.
COARSELYcoarsely adv. In a coarse manner.
COARSE adv. rough, crude.
COARSENcoarsen v. (Transitive) To make (more) coarse.
coarsen v. (Intransitive) To become (more) coarse.
COARSEN v. to make coarse.
COARSENEDcoarsened v. Simple past tense and past participle of coarsen.
COARSEN v. to make coarse.
COARSENESScoarseness n. The property of being coarse, roughness or primitiveness, unrefined or unpolished.
coarseness n. The quality or state of being coarse.
COARSENESS n. the state of being coarse.
COARSENESSEScoarsenesses n. Plural of coarseness.
COARSENESS n. the state of being coarse.
COARSENINGcoarsening v. Present participle of coarsen.
coarsening n. The process or the result of becoming coarse.
COARSEN v. to make coarse.
COARSENScoarsens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coarsen.
COARSEN v. to make coarse.
COARSERcoarser adj. Comparative form of coarse: more coarse.
COARSE adj. rough, crude.
COARSESTcoarsest adj. Superlative form of coarse: most coarse.
COARSE adj. rough, crude.
COARSISHcoarsish adj. Somewhat coarse.
COARSISH adj. somewhat coarse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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