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There are 10 words beginning with CAIR

CAIRDcaird n. (UK, dialect) A travelling tinker; a tramp, or sturdy beggar.
CAIRD n. a travelling tinker; also a tramp or sturdy beggar.
CAIRNcairn n. A rounded or conical heap of stones erected by early inhabitants of the British Isles, apparently as…
cairn n. A pile of stones heaped up as a landmark, to guide travelers on land or at sea, or to arrest attention…
cairn n. A cairn terrier.
CAIRDScairds n. Plural of caird.
CAIRD n. a travelling tinker; also a tramp or sturdy beggar.
CAIRNScairns n. Plural of cairn.
Cairns prop.n. A surname.
Cairns prop.n. A city and port in Queensland, Australia, named after William Cairns.
CAIRNYcairny adj. Of a landscape, having many cairns or rocky outcrops.
CAIRNY adj. relating to a cairn.
CAIRNEDcairned adj. Possessed of a cairn.
CAIRNED adj. piled into a cairn.
CAIRNIERCAIRNY adj. relating to a cairn.
CAIRNGORMcairngorm n. A precious stone of smoky yellow-brown or gray-brown color, used in Scottish jewellery.
CAIRNGORM n. (Gaelic) a yellow-brown quartz.
CAIRNIESTCAIRNY adj. relating to a cairn.
CAIRNGORMScairngorms n. Plural of cairngorm.
Cairngorms prop.n. A mountainous region in the Scottish Highlands.
Cairngorms prop.n. A national park within this region of Scotland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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