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There are 10 words beginning with CABE

CABERcaber n. A long, thick log held upright at one end and tossed in the Highland games.
CABER n. (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole, also KABAR, KEBAR.
CABERNETcabernet n. Cabernet Sauvignon.
CABERNET n. (French) a type of black grape used to produce a dry red wine.
CABERNETScabernets n. Plural of cabernet.
CABERNET n. (French) a type of black grape used to produce a dry red wine.
CABERScabers n. Plural of caber.
CABER n. (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole, also KABAR, KEBAR.
CABESTROcabestro n. A trained steer used in bullfighting.
CABESTRO n. (Spanish) a lasso, also CABRESTA, CABRESTO.
CABESTROScabestros n. Plural of cabestro.
CABESTRO n. (Spanish) a lasso, also CABRESTA, CABRESTO.
CABEZONcabezon n. A California fish (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus), allied to the sculpin.
CABEZON n. (Spanish) a Californian fish, allied to the sculpin, also CABEZONE.
CABEZONEcabezone n. Alternative spelling of cabezon.
CABEZONE n. (Spanish) a Californian fish, allied to the sculpin, also CABEZON.
CABEZONEScabezones n. Plural of cabezone.
CABEZONE n. (Spanish) a Californian fish, allied to the sculpin, also CABEZON.
CABEZONScabezons n. Plural of cabezon.
CABEZON n. (Spanish) a Californian fish, allied to the sculpin, also CABEZONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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