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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with CRAN

CRANACHANcranachan n. A traditional Scottish dessert made with whipped cream, whisky, oatmeal, honey, and raspberries.
CRANACHAN n. a traditional Scottish dessert, usually made from a mixture of whipped cream, whisky, honey, and fresh raspberries topped with toasted oatmeal.
CRANAPPLEcranapple n. (Attributive) A blend of cranberry and apple.
CRANAPPLE adj. designating a combination of cranberries and apple.
CRANBERRYcranberry n. A shrub belonging to the section Vaccinium sect. Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium.
cranberry n. The edible red berry of that shrub.
cranberry n. An intense red colour, like that of a cranberry.
CRANCHINGcranching v. Present participle of cranch.
CRANCH v. to chew with a crackling sound, also CRUNCH, CRAUNCH.
CRANELIKEcranelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a crane (the bird).
cranelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a crane (mechanical lifting device).
CRANELIKE adj. like a crane.
CRANIALLYcranially adv. With regard to the cranium.
cranially adv. Towards the cranium.
CRANIAL adv. pertaining to the skull.
CRANIATEScraniates n. Plural of craniate.
CRANIATE n. one that has a skull.
CRANKBAITcrankbait n. (Fishing) A kind of fishing lure.
CRANKBAIT n. a fishing lure with a shape that enables it to dive and stay under water.
CRANKCASEcrankcase n. The part of an engine that contains the crankshaft.
CRANKCASE n. the case or covering in which a crankshaft is enclosed.
CRANKIESTcrankiest adj. Superlative form of cranky: most cranky.
CRANKY adj. cantankerous.
CRANKLINGcrankling v. Present participle of crankle.
CRANKLE v. to bend, twist.
CRANKNESScrankness n. (Nautical) Liability to be overset; said of a ship or other vessel.
crankness n. Sprightliness; health; vigour.
CRANKNESS n. liability to be capsize.
CRANKPINScrankpins n. Plural of crankpin.
CRANKPIN n. the handle of a crank.
CRANNOGEScrannoges n. Plural of crannoge.
CRANNOGE n. (Gaelic) a lake dwelling in Scotland and Ireland, typically a tiny island artificially enlarged and fortified, also CRANNOG.
CRANNYINGcrannying v. Present participle of cranny.
CRANNY v. to open in crannies and chinks.
CRANREUCHCRANREUCH n. (Gaelic) a hoarfrost.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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