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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with CLER

CLERGYMANclergyman n. An ordained (male) Christian minister, a male member of the clergy.
CLERGYMAN n. one who works for the church.
CLERGYMENclergymen n. Plural of clergyman.
CLERGYMAN n. one who works for the church.
CLERICALSclericals n. Plural of clerical.
CLERICAL n. a member of the clergy, also CLERIC.
CLERICATEclericate n. Clerical position; the rank or state of clergy.
CLERICATE n. the position of a clergyman.
CLERICITYclericity n. The state of belonging to the clergy.
CLERICITY n. the state of being a clergyman.
CLERIHEWSclerihews n. Plural of clerihew.
Clerihews n. Plural of Clerihew. (Alternative letter-case form of clerihews.)
CLERIHEW n. a light verse quatrain rhyming AABB and usually dealing with a person named in the initial rhyme.
CLERISIESclerisies n. Plural of clerisy.
CLERISY n. scholars and educated people as a class.
CLERKDOMSclerkdoms n. Plural of clerkdom.
CLERKDOM n. the status of a clerk.
CLERKLIERclerklier adj. Comparative form of clerkly: more clerkly.
CLERKLY adj. pertaining to a clerk.
CLERKLIKEclerklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a clerk; tidy, bureaucratic, etc.
CLERKLIKE adj. like a clerk.
CLERKLINGclerkling n. A young or insignificant clerk.
CLERKLING n. a small clerk.
CLERKSHIPclerkship n. The state or business of a clerk.
clerkship n. (Law) A temporary job of assisting a judge in writing legal opinions, generally available to a beginning…
clerkship n. (Medicine) Clinical training for physicians during the second half of medical school.
CLERUCHIAcleruchia n. Alternative form of cleruchy.
CLERUCHIA n. an allotment of land in a foreign territory made to a citizen of Athens, also CLERUCHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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