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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with CHIN

CHINAMPASchinampas n. Plural of chinampa.
CHINAMPA n. (Nahuatl) a floating garden of earth piled on rafts of twigs.
CHINAROOTchinaroot n. Alternative form of China root.
china-root n. Alternative form of China root.
china␣root n. Alternative letter-case form of China root.
CHINAWAREchinaware n. Synonym of china: porcelain tableware.
china-ware n. Alternative form of chinaware.
china␣ware n. Alternative form of chinaware.
CHINBONESchinbones n. Plural of chinbone.
CHINBONE n. the lower jaw.
CHINCAPINchincapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINCAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINKAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
CHINCHIERchinchier adj. Comparative form of chinchy: more chinchy.
CHINCHY adj. stingy.
CHINCHINGCHINCH v. to fill in the seams of a boat.
CHINCOUGHchincough n. Whooping cough.
chin␣cough n. (Archaic) Synonym of whooping cough.
CHINCOUGH n. whooping cough.
CHINKAPINchinkapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINKAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINCAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
CHINKARASchinkaras n. Plural of chinkara.
CHINKARA n. (Hindi) a four-horned Indian antelope, also CHIKARA.
CHINKIESTCHINKY adj. full of cracks.
CHINOISESchinoises n. Plural of chinois.
CHINOIS n. (French) a cone-shaped sieve.
CHINOVNIKchinovnik n. A bureaucrat in the Tsarist Russian government.
CHINOVNIK n. (Russian) a high official in the Russian civil service.
CHINSTRAPchinstrap n. A strip of leather or material used to fasten a hat or helmet under the chin.
chinstrap n. A form of beard that follows the jawline but does not cover the rest of the chin.
chinstrap n. A band of colour below a bird’s mouth, resembling the chinstrap of a helmet.
CHINTZIERchintzier adj. Comparative form of chintzy: more chintzy.
CHINTZY adj. like chintz; cheap, gaudy.
CHINTZILYchintzily adv. In a chintzy fashion.
CHINTZY adv. like chintz; cheap, gaudy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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