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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with CAPS

CAPSAICINcapsaicin n. (Organic chemistry) A chemical compound found in chilli peppers, which is responsible for their pungent flavor.
CAPSAICIN n. a cyclic amide responsible for the pungency of capsicums.
CAPSICINSCAPSICIN n. a liquid used as a flavoring.
CAPSICUMScapsicums n. Plural of capsicum.
CAPSICUM n. a plant yielding (e.g. red or green) peppers; its fruit.
CAPSIZALScapsizals n. Plural of capsizal.
CAPSIZAL n. the overturning of a boat.
CAPSIZINGcapsizing v. Present participle of capsize.
capsizing n. An overturning of a boat etc.
CAPSIZE v. to overturn.
CAPSOMEREcapsomere n. Any of the individual protein subunits of a viral capsid.
CAPSOMERE n. any of the protein units that together form the capsid of a virus, also CAPSOMER.
CAPSOMERScapsomers n. Plural of capsomer.
CAPSOMER n. a protein forming a capsid, also CAPSOMERE.
CAPSTONEScapstones n. Plural of capstone.
capstones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of capstone.
CAPSTONE n. the horizontal stone of a dolmen.
CAPSULARYcapsulary adj. Archaic form of capsular.
CAPSULARY adj. of or pertaining to a capsule, also CAPSULAR.
CAPSULATEcapsulate adj. Encased, closed in by a capsule.
capsulate v. Alternative form of encapsulate.
CAPSULATE adj. contained in or made into a capsule, also CAPSULATED.
CAPSULINGcapsuling v. Present participle of capsule.
CAPSULE v. to condense into a brief form.
CAPSULISEcapsulise v. Alternative form of capsulize.
CAPSULISE v. to condense, to enclose in a capsule, also CAPSULIZE.
CAPSULIZEcapsulize v. To enclose (a medication etc) in a capsule.
capsulize v. (Figurative) To make into a concise form; to encapsulate.
CAPSULIZE v. to condense, to enclose in a capsule, also CAPSULISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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