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There are 12 nine-letter words beginning with CAPO

CAPOCCHIACAPOCCHIA n. (Shakespeare) a simpleton, also CHIPOCHIA.
CAPOEIRAScapoeiras n. Plural of capoeira.
CAPOEIRA n. (Portuguese) a martial art and dance combination.
CAPONATAScaponatas n. Plural of caponata.
CAPONATA n. (Italian) a type of Italian fish salad.
CAPONIEREcaponiere n. (Military, historical) A work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve…
CAPONIERE n. (French) a work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve as a covered passageway, also CAPONIER.
CAPONIERScaponiers n. Plural of caponier.
CAPONIER n. (French) a work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve as a covered passageway, also CAPONIERE.
CAPONISEDcaponised v. Simple past tense and past participle of caponise.
CAPONISE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONIZE.
CAPONISEScaponises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of caponise.
CAPONISE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONIZE.
CAPONIZEDcaponized v. Simple past tense and past participle of caponize.
CAPONIZE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONISE.
CAPONIZEScaponizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of caponize.
CAPONIZE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONISE.
CAPOTASTOcapotasto n. (Music) A device, placed across the strings of a fretted instrument such as a guitar, to shorten the…
capo␣tasto n. Alternative spelling of capotasto.
CAPOTASTO n. (Italian) a moveable bridge secured over the fingerboard and strings of a guitar, also CAPODASTRO.
CAPOTTINGcapotting v. Present participle of capot.
CAPOT v. to win all the tricks.
CAPOUCHEScapouches n. Plural of capouch.
CAPOUCH n. a cloak hood, also CAPUCCIO, CAPUCHE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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