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There are 18 nine-letter words beginning with CALA

CALABAZAScalabazas n. Plural of calabaza.
Calabazas prop.n. Plural of Calabaza.
CALABAZA n. a variety of squash, also CALABASH.
CALABOGUSCALABOGUS n. (Canadian) a Canadian drink of rum, spruce beer and molasses.
CALABOOSEcalaboose n. (US, Australia, dialect) A prison or jail/gaol.
CALABOOSE n. (Spanish) a prison, jail.
CALABRESEcalabrese n. A particular type of sprouting broccoli.
Calabrese adj. Calabrian (of, from, or pertaining to Calabria).
Calabrese n. (UK) A kind of sprouting broccoli.
CALADIUMScaladiums n. Plural of caladium.
CALADIUM n. (Malay) any tropical plant of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, the plants of which are grown for their attractive foliage.
CALAMANCOcalamanco n. A glossy woolen fabric with striped or checkered designs.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
CALAMANSIcalamansi n. Synonym of calamondin.
CALAMANSI n. a citrus hybrid predominantly cultivated in the Philippines, aka calamondin, also KALAMANSI.
CALAMARIScalamaris n. Plural of calamari.
Calamaris prop.n. Plural of Calamari.
CALAMARI n. (Italian) any of various species of squid, also CALAMAR, CALAMARY.
CALAMATAScalamatas n. Plural of calamata.
CALAMATA n. (Modern Greek) a black olive grown in Greece, also KALAMATA.
CALAMINEDcalamined v. Simple past tense and past participle of calamine.
CALAMINE v. to apply a skin ointment.
CALAMINEScalamines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calamine.
calamines n. Plural of calamine.
CALAMINE v. to apply a skin ointment.
CALAMINTScalamints n. Plural of calamint.
CALAMINT n. a genus of labiate aromatic plants allied to mint and thyme.
CALAMITEScalamites n. Plural of calamite.
Calamites prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Calamitaceae – extinct, large, tree-like horsetails.
CALAMITE n. a reedlike plant of an extinct group related to the horsetails, found as fossils chiefly of Carboniferous age.
CALAMUSEScalamuses n. Plural of calamus.
CALAMUS n. (Latin) a quill or reed used as a pen.
CALANDRIAcalandria n. A form of heat exchanger in which steam is forced past tubes which contain water to be boiled.
calandria n. A thermosyphon reboiler.
calandria n. (Brewing) A heating element within a brew kettle.
CALANTHEScalanthes n. Plural of calanthe.
CALANTHE n. (Greek) an orchid of the genus Calanthe, having tall spikes of long-lasting flowers.
CALATHEAScalatheas n. Plural of calathea.
CALATHEA n. a showy indoor plant.
CALAVANCEcalavance n. Any bean, but especially the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).
calavance n. Food made from beans.
CALAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CARAVANCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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