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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with CAST

CASTABLEcastable adj. (Engineering) Capable of being cast, as in a mould.
castable adj. (Programming) Capable of being cast to another data type.
castable n. (Engineering) Any substance that can be cast, as in a mould.
CASTANETcastanet n. (Music, chiefly in the plural) A single handheld percussion instrument consisting of a pair of concave…
CASTANET n. (French) a rhythm instrument.
CASTAWAYcastaway adj. Cast adrift or ashore; marooned.
castaway adj. Shipwrecked.
castaway adj. Cast out; rejected or excluded from a group.
CASTEISMcasteism n. Discrimination based on a person’s caste.
CASTEISM n. the caste system esp. in India.
CASTELLAcastella n. Plural of castellum.
castella n. A Japanese sponge cake made of sugar, flour, eggs, and starch syrup.
CASTELLUM n. (Latin) a small Roman fort, a mile-castle.
CASTEREDcastered v. Simple past tense and past participle of caster.
CASTERED adj. having casters, small swivelling wheels.
CASTINGScastings n. Plural of casting.
CASTING n. something made in a mould.
CASTLINGcastling n. (Obsolete) An abortion, or a premature birth.
castling n. (Obsolete) The second or third swarm of bees which leaves a hive in a season.
castling n. A miniature cast or mould.
CASTOCKScastocks n. Plural of castock.
CASTOCK n. (Scots) a cabbage stock, also CUSTOCK.
CASTOFFScastoffs n. Plural of castoff.
cast-offs n. Plural of cast-off.
CASTOFF n. an item of clothing one no longer wishes to wear, and passes on to another, also OFFCAST.
CASTRATEcastrate n. A castrated man; a eunuch.
castrate v. (Transitive) To remove the testicles of a person or animal.
castrate v. (Transitive) To remove the ovaries and/or uterus of an animal.
CASTRATIcastrati n. Plural of castrato.
CASTRATO n. (Italian) a male singer castrated in boyhood to preserve his singing voice.
CASTRATOcastrato n. A male who has been castrated, especially a male whose testicles have been removed before puberty in…
castrato n. A male soprano or alto voice produced by castration of the treble singer before puberty, intended to…
castrato adj. (Literally) Castrated; especially castrated prepubescently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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