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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with CAPR

CAPRATEScaprates n. Plural of caprate.
CAPRATE n. a salt of capric acid.
CAPRESESCAPRESE n. (Italian) a salad containing mozzarella, basil, tomatoes and olive oil.
CAPRICCIcapricci n. Plural of capriccio.
CAPRICCIO n. (Italian) a free form musical composition.
CAPRICEScaprices n. Plural of caprice.
CAPRICE n. a whim, an unpredictable change of behaviour.
CAPRIFIGcaprifig n. A hermaphrodite fruit, inedible to humans, of certain usually uncultivated species of Ficus, which is…
CAPRIFIG n. the goat-fig, a species of wild fig.
CAPRIOLEcapriole n. A leap that a horse makes with all fours, upwards only, without advancing, but with a kick or jerk of…
capriole n. A leap or caper, as in dancing.
capriole v. (Intransitive) To leap; to caper.
CAPROATEcaproate n. (Organic chemistry) A hexanoate.
CAPROATE n. a salt of caproic acid.
CAPROCKScaprocks n. Plural of caprock.
CAPROCK n. an overlying rock layer.
CAPRYLICcaprylic adj. Of or pertaining to caprylic acid or its derivatives; octanoic.
CAPRYLIC adj. applied to a type of fatty acid, having a goatlike smell, also CAPRIC, CAPROIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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