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There are 18 eight-letter words beginning with CALL

CALLABLEcallable adj. (Programming) That can be called.
callable adj. (Finance) That may be redeemed by its holder before it matures.
callable n. (Programming) An object of a type that can be called, such as a function.
CALLALOOcallaloo n. Any of various tropical plants grown in the Americas, especially of the genera Amaranthus and Xanthosoma…
callaloo n. A spicy soup or stew made from such leaves.
CALLALOO n. (Caribbean) a soup made with greens, onions and crabmeat, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOU.
CALLALOUcallalou n. Alternative spelling of callaloo.
CALLALOU n. (Caribbean) a crabmeat soup, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOO.
CALLANTScallants n. Plural of callant.
CALLANT n. (Scots) a boy, a fellow, also CALLAN.
CALLBACKcallback n. The return of a situation to a previous position or state.
callback n. (Telephony) A return telephone or radio call; especially one made automatically to authenticate a logon…
callback n. A product recall because of a defect or safety concern.
CALLBOYScallboys n. Plural of callboy.
call-boys n. Plural of call-boy.
call␣boys n. Plural of call boy.
CALLINGScallings n. Plural of calling.
CALLING n. a vocation or profession.
CALLIOPEcalliope n. A musical organ, consisting of steam whistles played with a keyboard. Often used with merry-go-rounds.
Calliope prop.n. (Greek mythology) The Muse of eloquence and epic or heroic poetry; the mother of Orpheus with Apollo.
Calliope prop.n. (Astronomy) 22 Kalliope, a main belt asteroid.
CALLIPEEcallipee n. Alternative form of calipee.
CALLIPEE n. a part of a turtle which is attached to the lower shell, aka plastron, also CALIPEE.
CALLIPERcalliper n. Alternative spelling of caliper.
calliper v. Alternative spelling of caliper.
CALLIPER n. in papermaking, a measure of the thickness of a single sheet of paper, also CALIPER.
CALLOSEScalloses n. Plural of callose.
CALLOSE n. a part of a plant cell wall.
CALLOUTScallouts n. Plural of callout.
call-outs n. Plural of call-out.
call␣outs n. Plural of call out.
CALLOWERcallower adj. Comparative form of callow: more callow.
CALLOW adj. immature.
CALLOWLYcallowly adv. In a callow manner.
CALLOW adv. immature.
CALLTIMEcall␣time v. (UK) To announce the closing of a pub for the day.
call␣time v. (UK) To end something.
call␣time v. (Sports) To call a timeout.
CALLUNAScallunas n. Plural of calluna.
CALLUNA n. (Greek) any plant of the ling genus.
CALLUSEDcallused v. Simple past tense and past participle of callus.
callused adj. Having calluses.
CALLUS v. to form a hard growth.
CALLUSEScalluses n. Plural of callus.
calluses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of callus.
CALLUS v. to form a hard growth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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