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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with COMM

COMMANDcommand n. An order to do something.
command n. The right or authority to order, control or dispose of; the right to be obeyed or to compel obedience.
command n. Power of control, direction or disposal; mastery.
COMMATAcommata n. Plural of comma.
COMMA n. (Greek) a fragment of a few words or feet in ancient prosody.
COMMENDcommend v. (Transitive) To congratulate or reward.
commend v. (Transitive) To praise or acclaim.
commend v. (Transitive) To entrust or commit to the care of someone else.
COMMENTcomment n. A spoken or written remark.
comment n. (Uncountable) The act of commenting.
comment n. (Linguistics) The part of a sentence that provides new information regarding the current theme.
COMMERECOMMERE n. (French) a female compere.
COMMERSCOMMER n. (archaic) a comer.
COMMIEScommies n. Plural of commie.
Commies n. (Slang, derogatory) plural of Commie.
COMMIE n. (colloquial) a communist, also COMMO, COMMY.
COMMISHcommish n. (Informal) commissioner.
commish v. To commission (an artist, an artwork).
COMMISH n. (short for) commissioner.
COMMITScommits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commit.
commits n. Plural of commit.
COMMIT v. to perpetrate.
COMMIXTcommixt v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of commix.
COMMIX v. to mix together.
COMMODEcommode n. A low chest of drawers on short legs.
commode n. A stand for a washbowl and jug.
commode n. (Euphemistic) A chair containing a chamber pot.
COMMODOCOMMODO adj. (Italian) of music, to be played in a relaxed style, also COMODO.
COMMONScommons n. Plural of common.
commons n. A dining hall, usually at a college or university.
commons n. A central section of (usually an older) town, designated as a shared area, a common.
COMMOTEcommote n. A secular division of land in mediaeval Wales.
commote v. (Obsolete, rare) To disturb or agitate, to disrupt also in the positive sense, to put into (more) commotion…
COMMOTE n. an early English land division, also COMMOT.
COMMOTSCOMMOT n. an early English land division, also COMMOTE.
COMMOVEcommove v. (Dated, transitive) To move violently; to agitate, excite or rouse.
COMMOVE v. to move violently.
COMMUNEcommune n. A small community, often rural, whose members share in the ownership of property, and in the division…
commune n. A local political division in many European countries.
commune n. (Obsolete) The commonalty; the common people.
COMMUTEcommute v. To exchange substantially; to abate but not abolish completely, a penalty, obligation, or payment in…
commute v. (Intransitive, mathematics) Of an operation, to be commutative, i.e. to have the property that changing…
commute n. A regular journey between two places, typically home and work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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