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There are 8 seven-letter words beginning with CATA

CATAGENcatagen n. (Medicine, dermatology) The formation of a club hair as part of the cessation phase of the hair growth cycle.
CATAGEN n. The growth phase in the hair growth cycle during which a newly formed hair ceases to grow.
CATALOGcatalog n. US and Canada spelling of catalogue.
catalog v. US spelling of catalogue.
CATALOG v. to classify information descriptively.
CATALOSCATALO n. a cross between a buffalo and a domestic cow, also CATTALO.
CATALPAcatalpa n. Any tree of the genus Catalpa, in the family Bignoniaceae. The two North American species, the southern…
Catalpa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bignoniaceae – the catawbas, flowering trees of warm temperate climates.
CATALPA n. a tree of the genus Catalpa, of the bignonia family, with heart-shaped leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers, and long pods.
CATAPANcatapan n. Alternative form of catepan.
CATAPAN n. (Greek) the governor of Calabria and Apulia for the Byzantine emperor.
CATARRHcatarrh n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
catarrh n. A discharge of fluid associated with this condition.
CATARRH n. inflammation of a mucous membrane.
CATASTAcatasta n. (Historical) A platform for exhibiting slaves for sale.
catasta n. (Historical) A stage or place for torture.
CATASTA n. (Latin) a scaffold or stage for torture or selling slaves.
CATAWBAcatawba n. The catawba grape, a cultivar of North American Vitis labrusca.
catawba n. A light sparkling wine made from this kind of grape.
catawba n. Any of various species of America catalpa trees Catalpa especially (Catalpa bignonioides (southern catalpa)…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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