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There are 5 seven-letter words beginning with CALO

CALOMELcalomel n. (Inorganic chemistry) mercurous chloride Hg2Cl2, formerly used as a laxative and disinfectant and to…
CALOMEL n. a strong purgative, a compound of mercury, acting on the liver.
CALORICcaloric adj. Relating to calories.
caloric adj. Containing calories.
caloric adj. Synonym of calorific (“high in calories and thus likely fattening”).
CALORIEcalorie n. (Nutrition) Kilogram calorie or large calorie. A unit of energy 1000 times larger than the gram calorie…
calorie n. (Physics, chemistry, obsolete) The gram calorie or small calorie, a non-SI unit of energy, equivalent…
CALORIE n. the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree Centigrade in temperature, also CALORY.
CALOTTEcalotte n. A skullcap worn by Roman Catholic priests.
calotte n. (Archaic) The vertical central area of the crown of a bird’s head.
calotte n. (Architecture) A round cavity or depression, in the form of a cup or cap, lathed and plastered; used…
CALOYERcaloyer n. A reclusive monk of the Greek Orthodox Church.
CALOYER n. (French) a Greek Orthodox monk, esp. of the order of St Basil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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