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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 6 six-letter words beginning with COLL

COLLABcollab n. (Informal) A collaboration, especially a work produced by several musicians who do not usually work together.
collab v. (Informal) To collaborate.
collab. n. Abbreviation of collaboration.
COLLARcollar n. Clothes that encircle the neck.
collar n. A piece of meat from the neck of an animal.
collar n. (Technology) Any encircling device or structure.
COLLEDcolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of coll.
COLL v. (obsolete) to embrace, hug.
COLLETcollet n. A band, flange, ferrule, or collar, designed to grip and hold a tool or a workpiece under proper control…
collet n. (Jewelry) The rim (of a ring) within which a jewel is set.
collet n. (Horticulture) In an embryonic plant, the transition zone between the root and the hypocotyl (Not clearly…
COLLIEcollie n. Any of various breeds of dog originating in Scotland and England as sheepdogs.
Collie prop.n. A surname.
COLLIE n. any of several breeds of dog developed for herding sheep and cattle.
COLLOPcollop n. (Northern English dialect) A slice of meat.
collop n. (Obsolete) A slice of bacon, a rasher.
collop n. A roll or fold of flesh on the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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