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There are 15 ten-letter words beginning with CLIN

CLINANDRIAclinandria n. Plural of clinandrium.
CLINANDRIUM n. a cavity in the upper part of the column of an orchid flower that contains the anthers.
CLINGFILMSclingfilms n. Plural of clingfilm.
cling␣films n. Plural of cling film.
CLINGFILM n. thin plastic film that adheres to surfaces, used esp. for wrapping and covering foods.
CLINGINESSclinginess n. The state or condition of being clingy.
CLINGINESS n. the state of being clingy.
CLINGINGLYclingingly adv. In a clinging manner; tenaciously or possessively.
CLINGING adv. CLING, to adhere to.
CLINGSTONEclingstone n. A stone fruit having a stone (pit) that clings to the flesh.
CLINGSTONE adj. having the flesh attached closely to the stone.
CLINGSTONE n. a fruit, e.g. a peach, having the flesh attached closely to the stone.
CLINGWRAPScling␣wraps n. Plural of cling wrap.
CLINGWRAP n. a thin polythene material that clings closely to any surface around which it is placed: used for wrapping food.
CLINICALLYclinically adv. In a clinical manner; dispassionately or analytically.
clinically adv. In the setting of a medical clinic; in a clinical setting.
clinically adv. At a person’s bedside.
CLINICIANSclinicians n. Plural of clinician.
CLINICIAN n. a doctor having direct contact with and responsibility for patients.
CLINKERINGclinkering v. Present participle of clinker.
CLINKER v. to make furnace slag.
CLINKSTONEclinkstone n. Phonolite.
CLINKSTONE n. a fine-grained intermediate igneous rock, aka phonolite, that rings when struck by a hammer.
CLINOMETERclinometer n. An apparatus for measuring a vertical angle, a slope, or the height of a large object (e.g. a tree).
CLINOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the incline (slope) of a surface.
CLINOMETRYclinometry n. (Geology) The art or operation of measuring the inclination of strata.
CLINOMETRY n. the art or operation of measuring the inclination of strata.
CLINOSTATSclinostats n. Plural of clinostat.
CLINOSTAT n. an apparatus for studying tropisms in plants.
CLINQUANTSCLINQUANT n. tinsel, glitter.
CLINTONIASclintonias n. Plural of clintonia.
CLINTONIA n. any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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