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There are 17 ten-letter words beginning with CELL

CELLARAGEScellarages n. Plural of cellarage.
CELLARAGE n. the space or storerooms of a cellar.
CELLARETTEcellarette n. A drinks cabinet.
CELLARETTE n. a case or drawer for holding wine bottles, also CELLARET.
CELLARISTScellarists n. Plural of cellarist.
CELLARIST n. a monastery official in charge of provisions, also CELLARER.
CELLARWAYScellarways n. Plural of cellarway.
CELLARWAY n. a way into a cellar.
CELLBLOCKScellblocks n. Plural of cellblock.
cell␣blocks n. Plural of cell block.
CELLBLOCK n. a group of prison cells.
CELLENTANIcellentani n. Cavatappi pasta.
CELLENTANI n. a type of pasta.
CELLOBIOSEcellobiose n. (Biochemistry) A disaccharide, found mainly as a repeat unit in cellulose, in which two glucose units…
CELLOBIOSE n. a disaccharide obtained by hydrolysis of cellulose, also CELLOSE.
CELLOIDINScelloidins n. Plural of celloidin.
CELLOIDIN n. a purified pyroxylin used chiefly in microscopy.
CELLOPHANEcellophane n. Any of a variety of transparent plastic films, especially one made of processed cellulose.
cellophane v. (Transitive) To wrap or package in cellophane.
CELLOPHANE n. (tradename) a tough transparent wrapping material.
CELLPHONEScellphones n. Plural of cellphone.
cell-phones n. Plural of cell-phone.
cell␣phones n. Plural of cell phone.
CELLULASEScellulases n. Plural of cellulase.
CELLULASE n. an enzyme that can split cellulose into glucose, present in organisms in the guts of animals and in the leaf stalks of higher plants.
CELLULATEDcellulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cellulate.
cellulated adj. Consisting of or containing cells.
CELLULATED adj. cellular.
CELLULITEScellulites n. Plural of cellulite.
CELLULITE n. fatty tissue below the skin.
CELLULITIScellulitis n. An inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection.
CELLULITIS n. an inflammation of the cellular or areolar tissue, esp. of that lying immediately beneath the skin.
CELLULOIDScelluloids n. Plural of celluloid.
CELLULOID n. (tradename) a type of thermoplastic.
CELLULOSEScelluloses n. Plural of cellulose.
CELLULOSE n. a carbohydrate forming the chief component of cell walls in plants and in wood.
CELLULOSICcellulosic adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from cellulose.
cellulosic n. A synthetic plastic derived from cellulose.
CELLULOSIC n. plastic made from cellulose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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