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There are 20 ten-letter words beginning with CARN

CARNAHUBAScarnahubas n. Plural of carnahuba.
CARNAHUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAUBA.
CARNALISEDcarnalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of carnalise.
CARNALISE v. to sensualise, also CARNALIZE.
CARNALISEScarnalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carnalise.
CARNALISE v. to sensualise, also CARNALIZE.
CARNALISMScarnalisms n. Plural of carnalism.
CARNALISM n. the state of being carnal.
CARNALISTScarnalists n. Plural of carnalist.
CARNALIST n. a sensualist.
CARNALIZEDcarnalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of carnalize.
CARNALIZE v. to sensualise, also CARNALISE.
CARNALIZEScarnalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carnalize.
CARNALIZE v. to sensualise, also CARNALISE.
CARNALLINGCARNAL v. to act carnally.
CARNALLITEcarnallite n. (Mineralogy) An evaporite composed of a mixture of potassium chloride and magnesium chloride, with the…
CARNALLITE n. a hydrous chloride of potassium and magnesium, sometimes found associated with deposits of rock salt.
CARNAROLISCARNAROLI n. (Italian) a variety of short-grained rice used for risotto.
CARNASSIALcarnassial n. One of the teeth used by a carnivore for shearing flesh, being the last upper premolar and the first lower molar.
CARNASSIAL adj. adapted for tearing.
CARNASSIAL n. a tooth adapted for tearing.
CARNATIONScarnations n. Plural of carnation.
CARNATION n. a double-flowering cultivated variety of the clove pink.
CARNELIANScarnelians n. Plural of carnelian.
CARNELIAN n. a dull red or reddish-white kind of chalcedony, also CORNELIAN.
CARNIFEXEScarnifexes n. Plural of carnifex.
CARNIFEX n. (Latin) an executioner, esp. the public executioner in ancient Rome.
CARNIFYINGcarnifying v. Present participle of carnify.
CARNIFY v. to form flesh; to become like flesh.
CARNITINEScarnitines n. Plural of carnitine.
CARNITINE n. a betaine in meat.
CARNIVORANcarnivoran adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the order Carnivora.
carnivoran n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Carnivora.
CARNIVOREScarnivores n. Plural of carnivore.
CARNIVORE n. an animal or plant that feeds on flesh.
CARNOSAURScarnosaurs n. Plural of carnosaur.
CARNOSAUR n. a meat-eating dinosaur.
CARNOTITEScarnotites n. Plural of carnotite.
CARNOTITE n. a yellow uranium ore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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