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There are 16 ten-letter words beginning with CARD

CARDAMINEScardamines n. Plural of cardamine.
CARDAMINE n. (Greek) a genus of cruciferous plants.
CARDBOARDScardboards n. Plural of cardboard.
CARDBOARD n. a thin, stiff, finely-finished pasteboard.
CARDBOARDYcardboardy adj. (Informal) Resembling cardboard.
CARDBOARDY adj. like cardboard.
CARDCASTLEcardcastle n. Synonym of cardhouse.
CARDCASTLE n. a tower built with playing cards.
CARDHOLDERcardholder n. A case for holding cards, as credit cards, bankcards, or business cards.
cardholder n. An authorized user of a card used for financial transactions, etc.
CARDHOLDER n. one who possesses a card and esp. a credit card.
CARDIALGIAcardialgia n. Cardialgy; heartburn.
CARDIALGIA n. heartburn, also CARDIALGY.
CARDIALGICCARDIALGIC adj. relating to cardialgia, heartburn.
CARDIGANEDcardiganed adj. Wearing a cardigan.
CARDIGANED adj. wearing a cardigan.
CARDINALLYcardinally adv. In a cardinal manner; fundamentally.
CARDINAL adv. of fundamental importance.
CARDIOGRAMcardiogram n. (Cardiology) The visual output an electrocardiograph produces.
CARDIOGRAM n. a tracing obtained from a cardiograph.
CARDIOLOGYcardiology n. (Medicine) The study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart.
CARDIOLOGY n. the study of the heart.
CARDITISESCARDITIS n. inflammation of the heart.
CARDOPHAGICARDOPHAGUS n. (obsolete) a donkey; something that eats thistles.
CARDPHONEScardphones n. Plural of cardphone.
CARDPHONE n. a public telephone from which calls are made using a prepaid plastic card.
CARDPLAYERcardplayer n. One who plays card games.
CARDPLAYER n. one who plays cards.
CARDSHARPScardsharps n. Plural of cardsharp.
card-sharps n. Plural of card-sharp.
card␣sharps n. Plural of card sharp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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