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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 7 ten-letter words beginning with CAME

CAMELBACKScamelbacks n. Plural of camelback.
CAMELBACK n. an inferior grade of rubber, used for retreading tyres.
CAMELHAIRScamelhairs n. Plural of camelhair.
CAMELHAIR n. a material made from the hair of the camel.
CAMELOPARDcamelopard n. (Archaic) A giraffe.
CAMELOPARD n. (obsolete) a giraffe, also CAMELEOPARD.
CAMERATIONcameration n. A vaulting or arching over.
CAMERATION n. a vaulting or arching over.
CAMERAWORKcamerawork n. Skill or technique involving the use of a camera, especially a video camera.
CAMERAWORK n. skilful use of a camera.
CAMERLENGOcamerlengo n. The cardinal who administers the Roman Catholic Church in the interregnum between Popes.
CAMERLENGO n. (Italian) the papal chamberlain; the cardinal who presides over the pope's household, also CAMERLINGO.
CAMERLINGOCAMERLINGO n. (Italian) the papal chamberlain; the cardinal who presides over the pope's household, also CAMERLENGO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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