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There are 18 words beginning with CEI

CEILceil v. (Transitive) To line or finish (a surface, such as a wall), with plaster, stucco, thin boards, or similar.
ceil n. (Poetic) A ceiling.
ceil n. (Mathematics) Abbreviation of ceiling.
CEIBAceiba n. Any tree of the genus Ceiba, the best-known of which is Ceiba pentandra.
ceiba n. The silk-cotton tree, Bombax ceiba.
Ceiba prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – large trees of the tropics.
CEILIceili n. A social event with traditional Irish or Scottish music and dancing.
CEILI n. (Gaelic) an informal gathering with music, dancing etc., also CEILIDH.
CEILSceils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ceil.
CEIL v. to furnish with a ceiling.
CEIBASceibas n. Plural of ceiba.
CEIBA n. (Spanish) a genus of tropical trees, including the silk-cotton tree.
CEILEDceiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of ceil.
ceiled adj. (In combination) Having some specified type of ceiling.
CEIL v. to furnish with a ceiling.
CEILERceiler n. One who ceils, who lines or finishes a surface in construction.
CEILER n. one that ceils.
CEILISceilis n. Plural of ceili.
CEILI n. (Gaelic) an informal gathering with music, dancing etc., also CEILIDH.
CEILERSceilers n. Plural of ceiler.
CEILER n. one that ceils.
CEILIDHceilidh n. An informal social gathering where traditional Irish or Scottish folk music is played, with dancing and storytelling.
ceilidh v. To dance a ceilidh.
céilidh n. Alternative form of ceilidh.
CEILINGceiling n. The overhead closure of a room.
ceiling n. The upper limit of an object or action.
ceiling n. (Aviation) The highest altitude at which an aircraft can safely maintain flight.
CEILIDHSceilidhs n. Plural of ceilidh.
céilidhs n. Plural of céilidh.
CEILIDH n. (Gaelic) an informal gathering with music, dancing etc., also CEILI.
CEILINGSceilings n. Plural of ceiling.
CEILING n. the overhead lining of a room.
CEINTUREceinture n. A belt or girdle.
CEINTURE n. (French) a belt for the waist.
CEILINGEDceilinged adj. (Especially in combination) Having a (specified type of) ceiling.
CEILINGED adj. having a ceiling.
CEINTURESceintures n. Plural of ceinture.
CEINTURE n. (French) a belt for the waist.
CEILOMETERceilometer n. A device that measures the altitude of the cloud base, especially above an airfield.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.
CEILOMETERSceilometers n. Plural of ceilometer.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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