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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with CIS

CISELEURCISELEUR n. (French) a chaser (of metal).
CISELURECISELURE n. (French) the art of chasing metal.
CISLUNARcislunar adj. Situated between the Earth and the Moon.
cislunar adj. Situated below the orbit of the Moon, or equivalent distance from the Earth.
cis-lunar adj. Alternative form of cislunar.
CISSIESTCISSY adj. timid, also SISSY.
CISSINGScissings n. Plural of cissing.
CISSING n. the appearance of pinholes in paintwork due to poor adhesion to the surface.
CISSOIDScissoids n. Plural of cissoid.
CISSOID n. a type of geometric curve.
CISSUSEScissuses n. Plural of cissus.
CISSUS n. a genus of tropical climbing plants, that includes the kangaroo vine.
CISTERNAcisterna n. (Biology) Any of the various membranes sections comprising some organelles like the Golgi apparatus…
CISTERNA n. (Latin) a fluid-containing sac.
CISTERNScisterns n. Plural of cistern.
CISTERN n. an artificial reservoir for storing water, esp. one in the roof-space of a house etc.
CISTRONScistrons n. Plural of cistron.
CISTRON n. a section of a chromosome which controls a single function.
CISTUSEScistuses n. Plural of cistus.
CISTUS n. (Greek) any plant of the rockrose genus.
CISTVAENcistvaen n. Alternative form of kistvaen.
CISTVAEN n. (Welsh) a tomb covered with stone slabs, also KISTVAEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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