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There are 19 eight-letter words beginning with CEL

CELADONSceladons n. Plural of celadon.
CELADON n. a pale green colour; a kind of pale green glazed pottery.
CELERIACceleriac n. A form of celery, Apium graveolens, having an aromatic taproot eaten as a vegetable.
CELERIAC n. a vegetable, celery with a turnip-like root.
CELERIESceleries n. Plural of celery.
CELERY n. a plant with edible stalks.
CELERITYcelerity n. Speed, swiftness.
celerity n. (Oceanography) The speed of individual waves (as opposed to the speed of groups of waves).
celerity n. (Hydrology) The speed with which a perturbation to the flow propagates through the flow domain.
CELESTAScelestas n. Plural of celesta.
CELESTA n. (French) a keyboard instrument, also CELESTE.
CELESTEScelestes n. Plural of celeste.
CELESTE n. (French) a keyboard instrument, also CELESTA.
CELIBACYcelibacy n. Abstaining from marriage; the state of being unmarried.
celibacy n. (By extension) Abstinence from sexual relations.
CELIBACY n. abstention from sexual intercourse.
CELIBATEcelibate adj. (Chiefly religious) Not married.
celibate adj. (By extension) Abstaining from sexual relations and pleasures.
celibate n. One who is not married, especially one who has taken a religious vow not to get married, usually because…
CELLAREDcellared v. Simple past tense and past participle of cellar.
cellared adj. Provided with a cellar.
CELLAR v. to store in an underground room.
CELLARERcellarer n. The person, usually in a monastery, responsible for providing food and drink.
CELLARER n. a monastery official in charge of provisions, also CELLARIST.
CELLARETcellaret n. A deep, often metal-lined drawer in a sideboard used for storing wines and liquors.
CELLARET n. a cabinet for wine bottles.
CELLINGSCELLING n. the act of storing in a honeycomb.
CELLISTScellists n. Plural of cellist.
CELLIST n. one who plays the cello.
CELLMATEcellmate n. A person with whom one shares a prison cell.
CELLMATE n. the person or persons sharing a prison cell.
CELLOSESCELLOSE n. a disaccharide obtained by hydrolysis of cellulose, also CELLOBIOSE.
CELLULARcellular adj. Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells.
cellular n. (US, informal) A cellular phone (mobile phone).
CELLULAR adj. pertaining to a cell.
CELLULEScellules n. Plural of cellule.
CELLULE n. a small cell.
CELOMATACELOM n. (Greek) a body cavity in some animals, also COELOM, COELOME.
CELOSIAScelosias n. Plural of celosia.
CELOSIA n. an ornamental plant of the amaranth family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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