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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with CAC

CACHACAcachaca n. Alternative form of cachaça.
cachaça n. A type of Brazilian white rum made of sugar cane juice, used as one of the ingredients of a caipirinha.
CACHACA n. a white Brazilian rum made from sugarcane.
CACHETScachets n. Plural of cachet.
CACHET v. (French) to print a design on an envelope.
CACHEXYcachexy n. (Medicine, archaic) Cachexia.
CACHEXY n. general ill health, also CACHEXIA.
CACHINGcaching v. Present participle of cache.
CACHE v. to store in a hiding place.
CACHOUScachous n. Plural of cachou.
CACHOU n. (Malay) a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CASHOO, CUTCH, KUTCH.
CACIQUEcacique n. (Historical) A tribal chief in the Spanish West Indies.
cacique n. A local political leader in Latin America, Spain, or the Philippines.
cacique n. (Ornithology) Any of a number of tropical blackbirds from Central America and South America, family Icteridae.
CACKIERcackier adj. Comparative form of cacky: more cacky.
CACKY adj. of or like excrement.
CACKINGcacking v. Present participle of cack.
CACK v. to defecate.
CACKLEDcackled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cackle.
CACKLE v. to make the sound of a hen.
CACKLERcackler n. A person or creature that cackles.
CACKLER n. one who cackles.
CACKLEScackles n. Plural of cackle.
cackles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cackle.
CACKLE v. to make the sound of a hen.
CACODYLcacodyl n. (Chemistry) The dimethylarsine radical (CH3)2As-.
cacodyl n. (Chemistry) tetramethyldiarsine formally derived from two of these radicals; an evil-smelling liquid…
CACODYL n. a colourless, poisonous, foul-smelling liquid, composed of arsenic, carbon and hydrogen, also KAKODYL.
CACOEPYcacoepy n. The mispronunciation of words.
cacoëpy n. Alternative spelling of cacoepy.
CACOEPY n. a wrong pronunciation.
CACOLETcacolet n. One of a pair of chairs or litters mounted on a pack animal (horse, mule, camel).
cacolet n. A single litter mounted on a pack animal.
CACOLET n. (French) a military mule litter.
CACONYMcaconym n. An incorrect name for something, especially in taxonomic classification.
CACONYM n. an erroneous name.
CACOONScacoons n. Plural of cacoon.
CACOON n. the large seed of a tropical climber of the mimosa family.
CACTOIDcactoid n. A member of the cactus subfamily Cactoideae.
cactoid n. (Topology) A locally connected continuum that is the closure of the union of an at most countable number…
CACTOID adj. cactus-shaped.
CACUMENcacumen n. (Obsolete, physics) The smallest possible piece of matter, making up part of an atom.
CACUMEN n. (Latin) a top or point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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