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There are 13 six-letter words beginning with CUP

CUPELScupels n. Plural of cupel.
CUPEL v. to refine gold or silver in a small vessel.
CUPFULcupful n. The amount necessary to fill a cup.
cupful n. A half pint, i.e. eight ounces.
CUPFUL n. as much as a cup can hold.
CUPIDScupids n. Plural of cupid.
Cupids prop.n. A town in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
CUPID n. a statue of the Roman god of love.
CUPMANcupman n. (Archaic) A convivial companion.
CUPMAN n. a boon companion.
CUPMENcupmen n. Plural of cupman.
CUPMAN n. a boon companion.
CUPOLAcupola n. (Architecture) A dome-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome.
cupola n. (Military, railroad) A small turret, usually on a hatch of an armoured fighting vehicle.
cupola n. (Geology) An upward-projecting mass of plutonic rock extending from a larger batholith.
CUPPAScuppas n. Plural of cuppa.
CUPPA n. (colloquial) a cup (esp. of tea).
CUPPEDcupped adj. In the shape of a cup; concave.
cupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of cup.
CUP v. to put into a small, open container.
CUPPERcupper n. (In combination) Someone with a specific bra size.
cupper n. (Slang) A coffee aficionado.
cupper n. (Obsolete) A cupbearer.
CUPRICcupric adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from, copper; containing copper.
cupric adj. (Chemistry) Containing copper with an oxidation number of 2.
CUPRIC adj. containing bivalent copper.
CUPRUMCUPRUM n. (Latin) copper.
CUPULAcupula n. A cup-shaped or dome-shaped object.
cupula n. (Anatomy) A moveable object in the ampullae of the ear’s semicircular canals that is involved in sensing…
CUPULA n. (Latin) a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULE.
CUPULEcupule n. Any small structure shaped like a cup, such as at the base of an acorn, or the sucker on the feet of some flies.
CUPULE n. a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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