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There are 14 six-letter words beginning with CUL

CULETSculets n. Plural of culet.
CULET n. (French) the flat back or base of a gemstone.
CULLAYCULLAY n. the soapbark tree, a rosaceous tree native to Chile, also QUILLAI, QUILLAIA, QUILLAJA.
CULLEDculled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cull.
CULL v. to select from others.
CULLERculler n. One who picks or chooses.
Culler prop.n. A surname.
CULLER n. a person who culls or selects (esp. inferior or surplus items).
CULLETcullet n. Scrap glass which is melted down for reuse.
cullet n. A small central plane in the back of a cut gem.
CULLET n. waste glass, melted up again with new material.
CULLIScullis n. (Architecture) A gutter in a roof.
cullis n. (Architecture) A channel or groove, as for a side-scene in a theatre.
cullis n. A strong broth of meat, strained and made clear for someone who is ill or infirm; also, a savoury jelly.
CULMEDCULM v. to form a culm.
CULMENculmen n. Top; summit.
culmen n. (Zoology) The dorsal ridge of a bird’s bill.
CULMEN n. (Latin) the top ridge of a bird's bill.
CULPAEculpae n. Plural of culpa.
CULPA n. (Latin) negligence for which one is liable.
CULTCHcultch n. Empty oyster shells and other substances laid down on oyster grounds to furnish points for the attachment…
cultch n. Young or seed oysters together with the shells and other objects to which they are usually attached.
cultch n. Rubbish; debris; refuse.
CULTERculter n. Obsolete form of colter.
Culter prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyprinidae.
CULTER n. (obsolete) a knife or cutter, attached to the beam of a plow to cut the sward, in advance of the plowshare and moldboard, also COLTER, COULTER.
CULTICcultic adj. Ritual, relating to cult (religious ritual).
cultic adj. Cultish, cultlike, relating to (the methods of) cults (type of sect).
CULTIC adj. relating to a cult.
CULTUScultus n. Established or accepted religious rites or customs of worship; state of religious development.
CULTUS n. (Latin) a religious ritual; a cult.
CULVERculver n. (Now UK, south and east dialect or poetic) A dove or pigeon, now specifically of the species Columba palumbus.
culver n. A culverin, a kind of handgun or cannon.
Culver prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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