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There are 8 six-letter words beginning with COY

COYAUSCOYAU n. (French) a steep roof design.
COYDOGcoydog n. Any hybrid of a coyote (Canis latrans) and a (usually feral) dog (Canis lupus familiaris).
coydog n. A hybrid between a male coyote and a female dog.
coy␣dog n. A cross between a coyote and a wild or domestic dog.
COYESTcoyest adj. Superlative form of coy: most coy.
COY adj. modest, bashful.
COYINGcoying adj. Enticing.
coying v. Present participle of coy.
COY v. to affect coyness.
COYISHcoyish adj. Somewhat coy.
COYISH adj. somewhat coy.
COYOTEcoyote n. Canis latrans, a species of canine native to North America.
coyote n. (US, informal) A smuggler of undocumented immigrants across the land border from Latin America into…
coyote v. To prospect for gold by manually digging holes into overlying earth, as into a hillside.
COYPOUcoypou n. Archaic form of coypu.
COYPOU n. an aquatic rodent, also COYPU.
COYPUScoypus n. Plural of coypu.
COYPU n. an aquatic rodent, also COYPOU.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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