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There are 13 six-letter words beginning with COB

COBAEAcobaea n. Any of the genus Cobaea of climbing plants, native to Mexico and South America.
Cobaea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Polemoniaceae.
COBAEA n. one of a family of South American shrubs.
COBALTcobalt n. A chemical element (symbol Co) with an atomic number of 27: a hard, lustrous, silver-gray metal.
cobalt n. Cobalt blue.
Cobalt prop.n. A village in Connecticut.
COBBEDcobbed adj. Broken, cut or trimmed into pieces of a convenient size, or formed into small blocks; cobbled.
cobbed adj. Remaining on, or taken from the cob, (as in "cobbed corn").
cobbed adj. Built of mud cobbles, and sealed with mud or an artificial equivalent.
COBBERcobber n. (Australia) A pal, buddy, mate, friend; often used in direct address by one male to another.
cobber n. (Australia) A sweet consisting of a small block of hard caramel covered in chocolate.
COBBER n. (Australian slang) friend, mate.
COBBLEcobble n. A cobblestone.
cobble n. (Geology) A particle from 64 to 256 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.
cobble n. Alternative form of coble (a kind of fishing-boat).
COBIAScobias n. Plural of cobia.
COBIA n. a large game fish.
COBLEScobles n. Plural of coble.
Cobles prop.n. Plural of Coble.
COBLE n. (Welsh) a short, flat-bottomed boat for use on rivers and estuaries.
COBNUTcobnut n. The nut of the common hazel (Corylus avellana); hazelnut.
cobnut n. A specific cultivated variety of hazelnut, also known as the Kentish cobnut.
cobnut n. A game played by children with nuts.
COBRAScobras n. Plural of cobra.
COBRAs n. Plural of COBRA.
COBRA n. (Portuguese) a venomous snake of India and Africa.
COBRICcobric adj. Of or pertaining to the venomous chemicals in cobra venom.
COBRIC adj. of a cobra.
COBURGCoburg prop.n. An independent city in Bavaria, Germany.
Coburg prop.n. A city in Lane County, Oregon, United States.
Coburg n. A thin single-twilled worsted fabric with cotton or silk.
COBWEBcobweb n. A spiderweb, or the remains of one, especially an asymmetrical one that is woven with an irregular pattern of threads.
cobweb n. One of its filaments; gossamer.
cobweb n. (Figurative) Something thin and unsubstantial, or flimsy and worthless; valueless remainder.
COBZAScobzas n. Plural of cobza.
COBZA n. (Romanian) a folk instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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