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There are 20 five-letter words beginning with CRE

CREAKcreak n. The sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking.
creak v. (Intransitive) To make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound, as by the friction of hard substances.
creak v. (Transitive) To produce a creaking sound with.
CREAMcream n. The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder.
cream n. A yellowish white colour; the colour of cream.
cream n. (Informal) Frosting, custard, creamer, or another substance similar to the oily part of milk or to whipped cream.
CREDOcredo n. A statement of a belief or a summary statement of a whole belief system; also (metonymically) the belief…
credo n. (Christianity) The liturgical creed (usually the Nicene Creed), or a musical arrangement of it for use…
CREDO n. (Latin) a concise statement of doctrine; a section of Mass followed by offertory.
CREDScreds n. Plural of cred.
CRED n. (short for) credibility.
CREEDcreed n. That which is believed; accepted doctrine, especially religious doctrine; a particular set of beliefs;…
creed n. (Specifically, religion) A reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents; a…
creed n. (Rare) The fact of believing; belief, faith.
CREEKcreek n. (Britain) A small inlet or bay, often saltwater, narrower and extending farther into the land than a…
creek n. (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, US) A stream of water (often freshwater) smaller than a river and larger…
creek n. Any turn or winding.
CREELcreel n. A woven basket, especially a wicker basket and especially as follows…
creel n. (Textile making) A bar or set of bars with skewers for holding paying-off bobbins, as in the roving…
creel v. (Transitive) To place (fish) in a creel.
CREEPcreep v. (Intransitive) To move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground.
creep v. (Intransitive, of plants) To grow across a surface rather than upwards.
creep v. (Intransitive) To move slowly and quietly in a particular direction.
CREESCrees n. Plural of Cree.
CREE v. to soften by boiling.
CREMEcreme adj. Alternative spelling of crème.
creme n. Alternative spelling of crème.
creme v. Alternative spelling of crème.
CREMScrems n. Plural of crem.
CREM n. (colloquial) a crematorium.
CRENAcrena n. (Sciences) A furrow or notch.
CRENA n. (Latin) a notch or tooth.
CREPEcrepe n. A flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat.
crepe n. A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.
crepe n. Crepe paper; thin, crinkled tissue paper.
CREPScreps n. (Medicine, colloquial) Crepitations.
creps n. Plural of crep (“athletic shoe”).
Creps prop.n. A surname from German.
CREPTcrept v. Simple past tense and past participle of creep.
CREEP v. to advance stealthily.
CREPYcrepy adj. Alternative form of crêpy.
crêpy adj. Resembling or similar to crêpe.
CREPY adj. having the texture of crepe, a light crinkled fabric, also CREPEY.
CRESScress n. (Plants) A plant of various species, chiefly cruciferous. The leaves have a moderately pungent taste…
CRESS n. a cruciferous plant used in salads.
CRESTcrest n. The summit of a hill or mountain ridge.
crest n. A tuft, or other natural ornament, growing on an animal’s head, for example the comb of a cockerel…
crest n. The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on or displayed on a helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet.
CREWEcrewe n. A group of people, especially in Louisiana, who support a Mardi Gras float in parades, as well as other charity work.
Crewe prop.n. (Uncountable) A placename…
Crewe prop.n. (Countable) A habitational surname from Welsh.
CREWScrews n. Plural of crew.
crews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crew.
Crews prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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