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There are 20 five-letter words beginning with CHE

CHEAPcheap n. (Obsolete) Trade; traffic; chaffer; chaffering.
cheap n. (Obsolete) A market; marketplace.
cheap n. Price.
CHEATcheat v. (Intransitive) To violate rules in order to gain, or attempt to gain, advantage from a situation.
cheat v. (Intransitive) To be unfaithful to one’s spouse or partner; to commit adultery, or to engage in sexual…
cheat v. (Transitive) To manage to avoid something even though it seemed inevitable.
CHECKcheck n. An inspection or examination.
check n. A control; a limit or stop.
check n. (Chess) A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece.
CHEEKcheek n. (Anatomy) The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes; the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity.
cheek n. (Anatomy, informal, usually in the plural) The lower part of the buttocks that is often exposed beneath…
cheek n. (Figurative, informal, uncountable) Impudence.
CHEEPcheep v. Of a small bird, to make short, high-pitched sounds.
cheep v. To express in a chirping tone.
cheep n. A short, high-pitched sound made by a small bird.
CHEERcheer n. (Uncountable) A cheerful attitude; happiness; a good, happy, or positive mood.
cheer n. (Now uncountable) That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness, especially food and entertainment…
cheer n. (Countable) A cry expressing joy, approval or support, such as "hurrah".
CHEFSchefs n. Plural of chef.
CHEF v. to work as a chef.
CHEKACheka prop.n. (Historical) The first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations, created in 1917.
Cheka n. An agent of this organization; a Chekist.
CHEKA n. (Russian) the Russian secret police.
CHELAchela n. A pincer-like claw of a crustacean or arachnid.
chela n. A pupil or disciple, especially in Hinduism.
CHELA n. (Greek) a pincerlike claw.
CHELPchelp v. (Intransitive, Northern England) To gossip, particularly in a forthright manner.
chelp v. (Intransitive, Northern England) To speak rudely or out of turn.
CHELP v. (Northern English dialect) to speak out of turn, to twitter.
CHEMOchemo n. (Informal) Clipping of chemotherapy.
chemo v. (Informal, transitive) To treat with chemotherapy.
chemo- pref. Relating to or using chemicals or chemistry.
CHEMSchems n. Plural of chem.
CHEM n. (short for) a chemistry class or course.
CHERECHERE adj. (French) dear (feminine).
CHERTchert n. (Geology, uncountable) Massive, usually dull-colored and opaque, quartzite, hornstone, impure chalcedony…
chert n. (Countable) A flint-like tool made from chert.
CHERT n. a microcrystalline form of silica, occurring as several varieties, aka hornstone.
CHESSchess n. A board game for two players, each beginning with sixteen chess pieces moving according to fixed rules…
chess n. (Now chiefly US) Any of several species of grass in the genus Bromus, generally considered weeds.
chess n. (Military, chiefly in the plural) One of the platforms, consisting of two or more planks dowelled together…
CHESTchest n. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
chest n. (Obsolete) A coffin.
chest n. The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.
CHETHcheth n. Alternative spelling of heth.
CHETH n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also HETH, KHET, KHETH.
CHEVYchevy n. (Countable) A hunt or pursuit; a chase.
chevy n. (Countable) A cry used in hunting.
chevy n. (Uncountable) The game of prisoners’ bars.
CHEWSchews n. Plural of chew.
chews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chew.
Chews prop.n. Plural of Chew.
CHEWYchewy adj. Having a pliable or springy texture when chewed.
chewy n. (Australia, informal) Alternative form of chewie (“chewing gum”).
chewy n. (US, informal) A type of soft and sticky cookie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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