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There are 14 five-letter words beginning with CAP

CAPAScapas n. Plural of capa.
Capas prop.n. A municipality of Tarlac, Philippines.
CAPA n. (Spanish) a type of cloak.
CAPEDcaped adj. Wearing a cape or capes.
caped adj. (In compounds) Wearing a cape of a specified kind.
caped adj. (Rail transport, slang) cancelled.
CAPERcaper n. A playful leap or jump.
caper n. A jump while dancing.
caper n. A prank or practical joke.
CAPEScapes n. Plural of cape.
Capes prop.n. Plural of Cape.
CAPE v. to keep a course towards a cape.
CAPEXcapex n. Alternative form of CAPEX.
CAPEX n. (Business, finance) Abbreviation of capital expense.
CAPEX n. (Business, finance) Abbreviation of capital expenditure.
CAPHScaphs n. Plural of caph.
CAPH n. (Hebrew) the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also KAF, KAPH, KHAF, KHAPH.
CAPIZcapiz n. The windowpane oyster.
capiz n. The shell of this mollusk used in window panes and jewelry.
Capiz prop.n. A province of the Philippines, on northern Panay island. Capital and largest city: Roxas.
CAPLEcaple n. (Obsolete or dialect) A horse.
Caple prop.n. A surname.
CAPLE n. a horse, also CAPUL.
CAPONcapon n. A cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table.
capon v. (Transitive) To castrate; to make a capon of.
Capon prop.n. A surname.
CAPOScapos n. Plural of capo.
CAPO n. (Italian) the head of a branch of the Mafia.
CAPOTcapot n. (Card games) A winning of all the tricks in the game of piquet, counting for forty points.
capot v. (Transitive, intransitive) To win all the tricks (from), when playing at piquet.
CAPOT v. to win all the tricks.
CAPRIcapri n. (Colour) A deep shade of sky blue between cyan and azure.
Capri prop.n. An island in the Bay of Naples; part of Campania.
Capri prop.n. Wine produced on the island of Capri, commonly a light dry white wine.
CAPULcapul n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of caple (“a horse”).
CAPUL n. a horse, also CAPLE.
CAPUTcaput n. (Anatomy) The head.
caput n. (Anatomy) A knob-like protuberance or capitulum.
caput n. The top or superior part of a thing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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