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There are 9 five-letter words beginning with CAD

CADDYcaddy n. (Golf) One hired to assist another in playing the game of golf.
caddy v. (Intransitive, golf) To serve as a caddy, carrying golf clubs etc.
caddy n. A lightweight wheeled cart, often used to bring home groceries.
CADEECADEE n. (Scots) a caddie, also CADIE.
CADEScades n. Plural of cade.
cades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cade.
CADE n. a Mediterranean medicinal shrub.
CADETcadet n. A student at a military school who is training to be an officer.
cadet n. (Largely historical) A younger or youngest son, who would not inherit as a firstborn son would.
cadet n. (In compounds, chiefly in genealogy) Junior. (See also the heraldic term cadency.)
CADGEcadge n. (Falconry) A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.
cadge v. (Geordie) To beg.
cadge v. (US, Britain, slang) To obtain something by wit or guile; to convince people to do something they might…
CADGYcadgy adj. (UK, Scotland, dialect) cheerful or mirthful, as after good eating or drinking.
cadgy adj. (UK, Scotland, dialect) frolicsome; wanton.
CADGY adj. cheerful, also KIDGIE.
CADIEcadie n. (Dated) A Scottish errand boy, porter, or messenger.
CADIE n. (Scots) a caddie, also CADEE.
CADIScadis n. Plural of cadi.
cadis n. A kind of coarse serge.
CADI n. (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country, also CAID, KADI, KAID, QADI, QAID.
CADREcadre n. A frame or framework.
cadre n. (Military) The framework or skeleton upon which a new regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment…
cadre n. (Chiefly in communism) The core of a managing group, or a member of such a group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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