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There are 9 five-letter words beginning with CAB

CABALcabal n. A secret political clique or faction.
cabal n. (Derogatory) A putative, secret organization of individuals gathered for a political purpose.
cabal n. A secret plot.
CABAScabas n. A flat basket or frail for figs, etc.
cabas n. A lady’s flat workbasket, reticule, or handbag.
Cabas prop.n. Plural of Caba.
CABBYcabby n. (Informal) A cabdriver; someone who drives a taxi.
CABBY n. (colloquial) a cabdriver, also CABBIE.
CABERcaber n. A long, thick log held upright at one end and tossed in the Highland games.
CABER n. (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole, also KABAR, KEBAR.
CABINcabin n. (US) A small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools…
cabin n. (Informal) A chalet or lodge, especially one that can hold large groups of people.
cabin n. A private room on a ship.
CABLEcable n. (Material) A long object used to make a physical connection.
cable n. (Communication) A system for transmitting television or Internet services over a network of coaxial…
cable n. A telegram, notably when sent by (submarine) telegraph cable.
CABOBcabob n. Obsolete form of kebab.
cabob v. Obsolete form of kebab.
CABOB v. (Arabic) to skewer.
CABOCCaboc n. A Scottish cream cheese rolled in toasted pinhead oatmeal, dating from the fifteenth century.
CABOC n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also KEBBOCK, KEBBUCK.
CABREcabre adj. Alternative spelling of cabré.
cabre n. (Obsolete or historical and generally offensive) A person of mixed black and mulatto descent.
cabré adj. (Heraldry) Rearing. (Compare forcené.)

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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