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There are 18 twelve-letter words beginning with COA

COACERVATINGCOACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COACERVATIONcoacervation n. The separation of a colloidal system into two liquid phases, one of which (the coacervate) is more concentrated…
COACERVATION n. an aggregation of particles of an emulsoid into liquid droplets before flocculation.
COACHBUILDERcoachbuilder n. (Historical) A builder of horse-drawn coaches.
coachbuilder n. A person or company who makes and fits the bodywork of vehicles such as cars, buses and railway carriages.
COACHBUILDER n. a craftsman who builds the bodies of cars, lorries, railway carriages, etc.
COACTIVITIEScoactivities n. Plural of coactivity.
COACTIVITY n. unity of action.
COADAPTATIONcoadaptation n. Alternative spelling of co-adaptation.
co-adaptation n. A mutual adaptation of species, organs or genes.
COADAPTATION n. the state of being mutually adapted.
COADJUTRICEScoadjutrices n. Plural of coadjutrix.
COADJUTRIX n. a female coadjutor or assistant, also COADJUTRESS.
COADJUTRIXEScoadjutrixes n. Plural of coadjutrix.
COADJUTRIX n. a female coadjutor or assistant, also COADJUTRESS.
COADMINISTERcoadminister v. (Transitive) To administer (A drug, etc.) along with another material.
COADUNATIONScoadunations n. Plural of coadunation.
COADUNATION n. the act of coadunating.
COAGULATIONScoagulations n. Plural of coagulation.
COAGULATION n. the act of coagulating.
COALESCENCEScoalescences n. Plural of coalescence.
COALESCENCE n. the act of coalescing.
COALITIONERScoalitioners n. Plural of coalitioner.
COALITIONER n. a supporter of coalition.
COALITIONISMcoalitionism n. The advocacy of government by coalition.
COALITIONISM n. the forming of a coalition.
COALITIONISTcoalitionist n. An advocate of coalition.
coalitionist n. A partner in a coalition.
coalitionist adj. Advocating coalition.
COARCTATIONScoarctations n. Plural of coarctation.
COARCTATION n. the action of compressing tightly; the state of being tightly compressed.
COARSENESSEScoarsenesses n. Plural of coarseness.
COARSENESS n. the state of being coarse.
COASTEERINGSCOASTEERING n. an adventure sport involving travelling along cliffs before jumping down from them into the sea.
COAUTHORSHIPcoauthorship n. Joint authorship by two or more authors.
COAUTHORSHIP n. the role of coauthor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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