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There are 17 words beginning with BRONCHI

BRONCHIbronchi n. Plural of bronchus.
BRONCHUS n. (Latin) one of the main forks of the windpipe.
BRONCHIAbronchia n. Plural of bronchium.
BRONCHIUM n. (Latin) a small branch of the windpipe.
BRONCHIALbronchial adj. Of or relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIAL adj. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
BRONCHIUMbronchium n. (Anatomy, usually in the plural) A bronchial tube; a subdivision of the bronchus.
BRONCHIUM n. (Latin) a small branch of the windpipe.
BRONCHIOLEbronchiole n. (Anatomy) Any of the small cartilage-less branches of a bronchus.
BRONCHIOLE n. a minute bronchial tube.
BRONCHITICbronchitic adj. Of or pertaining to bronchitis.
bronchitic n. A person who has bronchitis.
BRONCHITIC adj. of or pertaining to bronchitis.
BRONCHITISbronchitis n. (Uncountable) An inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs, that causes the cilia of the bronchial epithelial…
bronchitis n. (Countable) An occurrence of, a case (patient) of, or a type of bronchitis.
BRONCHITIS n. inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
BRONCHIALLYbronchially adv. In a bronchial way.
BRONCHIAL adv. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
BRONCHIOLARbronchiolar adj. Of or pertaining to the bronchioles of the lung.
BRONCHIOLAR adj. like a bronchiole.
BRONCHIOLESbronchioles n. Plural of bronchiole.
BRONCHIOLE n. a minute bronchial tube.
BRONCHITICSbronchitics n. Plural of bronchitic.
BRONCHITIC n. one suffering from bronchitis.
BRONCHITISESbronchitises n. Plural of bronchitis.
BRONCHITIS n. inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
BRONCHIOLITESSorry, definition not available.
BRONCHIOLITISbronchiolitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the bronchioles; especially common in young children.
BRONCHIOLITIS n. inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
BRONCHIECTASESbronchiectases n. Plural of bronchiectasis.
BRONCHIECTASIS n. a chronic dilatation of bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIECTASISbronchiectasis n. (Medicine) Abnormal permanent dilation of the bronchial tubes.
BRONCHIECTASIS n. a chronic dilatation of bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIOLITISESBRONCHIOLITIS n. inflammation of the bronchial tubes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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