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There are 12 words beginning with BIOLOG

BIOLOGYbiology n. The study of all life or living matter.
biology n. The living organisms of a particular region.
biology n. The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism.
BIOLOGICbiologic adj. Biological; pertaining to biology or to a living organism.
biologic n. An extremely complex drug, vaccine or antitoxin that is made from a living organism, or from products…
BIOLOGIC adj. related to biology.
BIOLOGICSbiologics n. Plural of biologic.
BIOLOGIC n. a biological product used in medicine.
BIOLOGIESbiologies n. Plural of biology.
BIOLOGY n. the science of life.
BIOLOGISMbiologism n. The use or emphasis of biological principles or methods in explaining human, especially social, behavior.
BIOLOGISM n. biological theory; the use of biological terms.
BIOLOGISTbiologist n. A student of biology; one versed in the science of biology.
BIOLOGIST n. one who studies biology.
BIOLOGICALbiological adj. Of or relating to biology.
biological adj. Related by consanguinity, especially as to parents and children.
biological adj. (Proscribed, an error in non-native speakers’ English) Organic (grown without agrochemicals).
BIOLOGISMSbiologisms n. Plural of biologism.
BIOLOGISM n. biological theory; the use of biological terms.
BIOLOGISTSbiologists n. Plural of biologist.
BIOLOGIST n. one who studies biology.
BIOLOGICALSbiologicals n. (Medicine) biological products, such as antitoxins or vaccines, used to induce immunity.
biologicals n. (Military) biological weapons.
BIOLOGICAL n. a drug of biological origin.
BIOLOGISTICbiologistic adj. Of or relating to biological determinism.
BIOLOGISTIC adj. relating to biologism.
BIOLOGICALLYbiologically adv. In a biological manner.
biologically adv. With regard to biology.
BIOLOGICAL adv. relating to biology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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