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There are 12 words beginning with BARRET

BARRETbarret n. A kind of cap formerly worn by soldiers.
barret n. The flat cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics.
Barret prop.n. A surname.
BARRETSbarrets n. Plural of barret.
Barrets prop.n. Plural of Barret.
BARRET n. (French) a kind of cap formerly worn by soldiers.
BARRETORbarretor n. Alternative form of barrator.
BARRETOR n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATER, BARRATOR.
BARRETRYbarretry n. Archaic form of barratry.
BARRETRY n. the practice of stirring up groundless lawsuits, also BARRATRY.
BARRETTEbarrette n. A clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair.
barrette n. (Entomology) Synonym of katepimeron.
barrette v. (Transitive) To put (hair) into a barrette.
BARRETORSbarretors n. Plural of barretor.
BARRETOR n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATER, BARRATOR.
BARRETTERbarretter n. (Electronics) A ballast resistor.
BARRETTER n. a resistor capable of variation and used e.g. for detecting radio waves or stabilizing electric current.
BARRETTESbarrettes n. Plural of barrette.
Barrettes prop.n. Plural of Barrette.
BARRETTE n. (French) a bar-shaped hair-clip or hair ornament.
BARRETRIESbarretries n. Plural of barretry.
BARRETRY n. the practice of stirring up groundless lawsuits, also BARRATRY.
BARRETROUSBARRETROUS adj. tainted with, or constituting, barratry, also BARRATROUS.
BARRETTERSbarretters n. Plural of barretter.
BARRETTER n. a resistor capable of variation and used e.g. for detecting radio waves or stabilizing electric current.
BARRETROUSLYBARRETROUS adv. tainted with, or constituting, barratry, also BARRATROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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