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There are 8 words beginning with BROMO

BROMObromo n. A dose of a proprietary sedative containing bromide (a bromo-seltzer).
bromo- pref. (Chemistry) containing bromine.
BROMO n. a medicinal compound containing bromine.
BROMOCRIPTINEbromocriptine n. (Pharmacology) A drug used in the treatment of parkinsonism, galactorrhea, and other conditions. It…
BROMOCRIPTINE n. a polypeptide ergot derivative that mimics the activity of dopamine in inhibiting prolactin secretion.
BROMOCRIPTINESbromocriptines n. Plural of bromocriptine.
BROMOCRIPTINE n. a polypeptide ergot derivative that mimics the activity of dopamine in inhibiting prolactin secretion.
BROMOFORMbromoform n. (Organic chemistry) The haloform CHBr3 that is the bromine analogue of chloroform.
BROMOFORM n. a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
BROMOFORMSbromoforms n. Plural of bromoform.
BROMOFORM n. a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
BROMOSbromos n. Plural of bromo.
BROMO n. a medicinal compound containing bromine.
BROMOURACILbromouracil n. A brominated derivative of uracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
BROMOURACILSbromouracils n. Plural of bromouracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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