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There are 19 words beginning with BIOME

BIOMEbiome n. Any major regional biological community such as that of forest or desert.
biome n. All the genomes of such a community.
BIOME n. an extensive ecological community, esp. one with a dominant vegetation.
BIOMESbiomes n. Plural of biome.
BIOME n. an extensive ecological community, esp. one with a dominant vegetation.
BIOMETERbiometer n. (Biology) A device that is used to detect the presence of life by detecting and measuring minute amounts…
BIOMETER n. a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matter.
BIOMETRYbiometry n. (Dated) The measurement of biological data.
biometry n. The analysis of biological statistics; biostatistics.
biometry n. The application of biostatistics to security; biometrics.
BIOMETERSbiometers n. Plural of biometer.
BIOMETER n. a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matter.
BIOMETRICbiometric adj. Of, pertaining to or using biometrics.
biometric adj. Of or pertaining to biometry.
BIOMETRIC adj. relating to biometry, the statistical analysis of biological observations and phenomena, also BIOMETRICAL.
BIOMEDICALbiomedical adj. Of or pertaining to biomedicine.
biomedical n. A product of the biomedicine industry.
BIOMEDICAL adj. relating to both biology and medicine.
BIOMETRICSbiometrics n. The automated measurement of biological data.
biometrics n. The automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics.
BIOMETRICS n. the study of biological measurement.
BIOMETRIESbiometries n. Plural of biometry.
BIOMETRY n. the statistical study of biological data.
BIOMEDICINEbiomedicine n. The application of biology and physiology to clinical medicine.
biomedicine n. The branch of medicine that studies the effects of environmental stress on organisms (most often in space travel).
biomedicine n. (Countable) A medicine created with the use of living organisms.
BIOMETRICALbiometrical adj. Of or pertaining to biometrics.
biometrical adj. Of or pertaining to biometry.
BIOMETRICAL adj. relating to biometry, the statistical analysis of biological observations and phenomena, also BIOMETRIC.
BIOMECHANICSbiomechanics n. (Biology, physics) The branch of biophysics that deals with the mechanics of the human or animal body;…
biomechanics n. (Biology) The functioning of a particular part of a body.
BIOMECHANICS n. the mechanics of biological and esp. muscular activity.
BIOMEDICINESbiomedicines n. Plural of biomedicine.
BIOMEDICINE n. medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences and esp. biology and biochemistry.
BIOMETRICIANbiometrician n. One who practices biometrics.
BIOMETRICIAN n. a practitioner of biometrics.
BIOMECHANICALbiomechanical adj. Of or pertaining to biomechanics.
bio-mechanical adj. Alternative form of biomechanical.
bio-mechanical n. (Cycling) An injury.
BIOMETRICALLYbiometrically adv. In a biometric way; through use of biometrics.
BIOMETRICAL adv. relating to biometry, the statistical analysis of biological observations and phenomena, also BIOMETRIC.
BIOMETRICIANSbiometricians n. Plural of biometrician.
BIOMETRICIAN n. a practitioner of biometrics.
BIOMETEOROLOGYbiometeorology n. The study of the relationship between atmospheric conditions (the weather) and living organisms.
BIOMETEOROLOGY n. the study of how the weather affects people.
BIOMECHANICALLYbiomechanically adv. With regard to biomechanics.
BIOMECHANICAL adv. relating to biomechanics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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