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There are 13 words beginning with BASEL

BASELYbasely adv. In a base manner.
BASELY adv. lowly.
BASELARDbaselard n. A type of heavy dagger popular in the 14th and 15th centuries.
BASELARD n. (obsolete) a short sword or dagger, worn in the fifteenth century.
BASELESSbaseless adj. Of reasoning: based on something that is not true, or not based on solid reasons or facts.
baseless adj. Without a physical base.
BASELESS adj. without foundation.
BASELINEbaseline n. A line that is a base for measurement or for construction.
baseline n. A datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison.
baseline n. (Typography) A line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs.
BASELOADbaseload n. The minimum load on a power station over a standard period.
BASELOAD n. the permanent load on power supplies.
BASELARDSbaselards n. Plural of baselard.
BASELARD n. (obsolete) a short sword or dagger, worn in the fifteenth century.
BASELINERbaseliner n. (Tennis) A player who plays from the baseline, seldom moving to the net.
BASELINER n. a tennis-player who stays on or near the baseline.
BASELINESbaselines n. Plural of baseline.
BASELINE n. a line at both ends of a sporting arena.
BASELOADSbaseloads n. Plural of baseload.
BASELOAD n. the permanent load on power supplies.
BASELESSLYbaselessly adv. In a baseless way.
BASELESS adv. without foundation.
BASELINERSbaseliners n. Plural of baseliner.
BASELINER n. a tennis-player who stays on or near the baseline.
BASELESSNESSbaselessness n. The state or quality of being baseless.
BASELESSNESS n. the state of being baseless.
BASELESSNESSESBASELESSNESS n. the state of being baseless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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